About Us - James Robertson Seasoning

james robertson seasoning
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James Robertson Seasoning is a long established name in the Bagpipe World.

Having purchased the rights and recipe from Kintail Bagpipes in 2016, we manufacture EXCLUSIVELY in central Scotland, using only locally sourced organic ingredients.

James Robertson Seasoning is used in all sorts of skin bagpipe bags, and not only guarantees the bag to be tight, but also to generate the perfect ambient conditions for stability and tone.

We are a trade supplier, and ship Worldwide, we now boast winning bands and solo players throughout every grade, and have rapidly become the "Go To" product for winners.

In our distinctive blue microwavable tubs (Which incidentally was pioneered by Kintail Bagpipe Co.) nothing looks or works like James Robertson Seasoning.
And now available in 250ml, 500ml and cabin frindly 75ml
© James Robertson Seasoning 2020
Manufacturers of Bag Dressing for the great Highland Bagpipes.
Made exclusively in our Central Scotland premises and distributed worldwide.
Using only the best natural ingredients, we supply the top pipers and bands and guarantee to give your pipes the best results.
James Robertson Seasoning Ltd
Unit 3, 10 Princess Road
Strathclyde Business Centre
New Stevenston
E: jamesrobertsonseasoning@hotmail.com
Manufacturers of Bag Dressing for the great Highland Bagpipes.
Made exclusively in our Central Scotland premises and distributed worldwide.
Using only the best natural ingredients, we supply the top pipers and bands and guarantee to give your pipes the best results.
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