How to use - James Robertson Seasoning

james robertson seasoning
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How to Use

Below the instructions is a "Good Houskeeping" guide we have previously released.

Firstly, remove your drones, chanter and cover from your skin bag, and cork the drone and chanter stocks. If you have a removable tube in your blowpipe stock, it should also be removed.

Heat your James Robertson seasoning following the guidelines on the back of the tub.

Pour around half a tub of James Robertson seasoning in to your bag, fully cork, and fill the bag with air. Swill the James Robertson seasoning around the bag making sure to try and cover as much of the surface area as possible.

Once you think the inside of the bag has a suitable covering of James Robertson seasoning (it will usually now be tight) you can let the air out, fully cork again, and now start to rub the seasoning in to the skin all over, taking extra care at the stitching and around the neck.

Now hang the bag up, remove the corks and recover any James Robertson seasoning in a bowl. We recommend allowing the bag to drain for around 20 minutes.

If your bag is new or in good condition, the seasoning being collected, can be returned to the bottle and reused at a later date.

A new bag may require a couple of seasonings to be truly tight, and may again require attention within a few days.

James Robertson seasoning

Good Housekeeping

With all the recent warm weather that we’ve been having, we’d like to point out some basic good housekeeping when using James Robertson Seasoning.

1. Ideally, always try and store your seasoning in a cool place, and we recommend using a fridge, which will not harm the ingredients.

2. Always heat your seasoning using a microwave, or a water bath if you prefer, and mix well, but do not allow to boil.
- Even if you have left your seasoning somewhere warm, and feel it’s liquid and ok to use, it is still advisable to properly heat, and to mix it thoroughly, using the spatula provided, or by shaking, but it is imperative that you re-mix the seasoning thoroughly, as it is totally natural for the various ingredients in your seasoning to settle whilst cooling.

3. Always drain your bag well after each seasoning. If you try and keep extra seasoning in the bag for whatever reason, be prepared for it to want to come out when you least expect it..!!

4. We recommend using more seasoning than your bag may need, and draining off the excess,, in a new bag, this can be collected and used again, however, on an older and well seasoned bag, we would recommend discarding anything that may come out.

5. Even if your bag feels tight, using James Robertson Seasoning will continue to create the right moisture ambience within your bagpipe, and will also draw excess moisture from your bag... Don’t just season your pipes, purely from an airtight point of view, season them to have a fully primed instrument.

6. From time to time we recommend cleaning your bag, fresh lukewarm water is all that’s needed. Cork the bag, add the lukewarm water, swish it around the bag, and then empty out... repeat this process a few times until the water coming out is fairly clear then allow to dry for a while, but not completely, then season again as normal.

7. We do not recommend strong soaps or detergents, your bag is stitched using waxed hemp, and these strong detergents will break down the waxes causing the seam to leak.
If anything, a small quantity of liquid baby or dish soap in the mix will suffice.

James Robertson Seasoning

© James Robertson Seasoning 2020
Manufacturers of Bag Dressing for the great Highland Bagpipes.
Made exclusively in our Central Scotland premises and distributed worldwide.
Using only the best natural ingredients, we supply the top pipers and bands and guarantee to give your pipes the best results.
James Robertson Seasoning Ltd
Unit 3, 10 Princess Road
Strathclyde Business Centre
New Stevenston
Manufacturers of Bag Dressing for the great Highland Bagpipes.
Made exclusively in our Central Scotland premises and distributed worldwide.
Using only the best natural ingredients, we supply the top pipers and bands and guarantee to give your pipes the best results.
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