Q Why should I switch to Robertson's?
A We believe it to be the best, and our users results would testify to that.
Q Why does it need to me heated?
Q Why does it need to me heated?
A Our seasoning is made up of various ingredients, which may naturally settle when stored, heating allows everything to bind again successfully
Q Do I need to heat Robertson's even if I live in a hot country
A Regardless of how liquid or firm the seasoning may appear, we always ask that its heated and mixed.
Q How often do need to season my bag?
Q How often do need to season my bag?
A Some people think a bag that doesn’t lose air is perfect, however, James Robertson Seasoning also feeds and nurtures the leather in your bag, and allows for easy moisture control, a lack of seasoning will effect tone, so always check for tightness, but also for suppleness
Q I have a new bag, how much should I buy?
Q I have a new bag, how much should I buy?
A Depending on the skin, the bag could use a tub, possibly 2 within a matter of weeks, so check how readily available your stockist can supply.
Q Is there anything in Robertsons that is dangerous If swallowed (kid or dog)
Q Is there anything in Robertsons that is dangerous If swallowed (kid or dog)
A We don’t recommend James Robertson Seasoning as a food supplement, however, every ingredient is organic and quite safe if accidently ingested.
Q Can I add Robertson's even though I've already used another brand?
Q Can I add Robertson's even though I've already used another brand?
A Yes, but for good housekeeping, we would recommend cleaning the bag before changing supplier. (Instructions on our How To Page)
Q I have food allergies can you tell me what's in it?
Q I have food allergies can you tell me what's in it?
A James Robertson Seasoning engredients are a closely guarded secret, but we can appreciate that food allergies can be life threatening to some people. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee there are no trace elements in our product. Please contact our Head Office for more information.
Q Can I take to Robertson's on aircraft ?
A Yes, our seasoning is safe to be taken on an airplain, but please ensure your bottle is closed tight if being placed in the hold. We also supply James Robertson in handy 75ml flight safe bottles which are suitable for hand luggage, ask your retailer for supply.
Q I have a build up of old seasoning in my bag, what's the best way to get it out to start again?
Q I have a build up of old seasoning in my bag, what's the best way to get it out to start again?
A As previously stated there is an item in our “How to” page.
Q Where is seasoning made?
Q Where is seasoning made?
A We make in central Scotland, and ship worldwide from our premises.
Q What's the best technique to season a sheep or goat bag (how to guide for people new to skin bags, could do a video)
Q What's the best technique to season a sheep or goat bag (how to guide for people new to skin bags, could do a video)
A Great question and we will upload information and guides to our FB page.
Q Will seasoning rot my bag?
Q Will seasoning rot my bag?
A Some will, but James Robertson Seasoning is formulated to do the opposite and preserve and protect your bag.
Q Is it safe to dispose of seasoning down the sink?
Q Is it safe to dispose of seasoning down the sink?
A Yes, but we would prefer if you used it and had no need to get rid of, but of course, any excess will easily break down with some soap and water.
Q Is it hazardous to plants?
Q Is it hazardous to plants?
A The ingredients are organic, however, dousing anything may well have an adverse effect, but shouldn’t cause harm.
Q Who recommends Robertson's?
Q Who recommends Robertson's?
A I suppose we do...!! We feel it would not be fair to name bands, players or bagmakers who use our seasoning exclusively as this could expose their winning edge, or quite simply reveal someone’s private business and opinions. Suffice to say, winners at every level, in every grade around the World, both solo and bands, have chosen to use James Robertson Seasoning exclusively. We don’t plan to look the same as our competitors, or work the same, so simply use and reap the rewards
Q Can I buy Robertson's in bulk for my band?
Q Can I buy Robertson's in bulk for my band?
A We set up our company to predominantly be a trade supplier, so please contact a local supplier who will be only to pleased to advise you off any bulk purchase prices.